Uova Cashemere Latte e Fondente
Fine milk chocolate
Cod.: CASHEMEREL – 250g fine milk chocolate egg, carton of 4 pieces
Extra dark chocolate
Cod.: CASHEMEREF – 250g extra dark chocolate egg, carton of 4 pieces
Fine milk chocolate
Cod.: CASHEMEREL – 250g fine milk chocolate egg, carton of 4 pieces
Extra dark chocolate
Cod.: CASHEMEREF – 250g extra dark chocolate egg, carton of 4 pieces
Fine milk chocolate, extra dark chocolate on request
Cod.: ST7G – 250g fine milk chocolate egg, carton of 1 piece
Cod.: ST8G – 400g fine milk chocolate egg, carton of 1 piece
Cod.: ST9G – 550g fine milk chocolate egg, carton of 1 piece
Cod.: ST10G – 1 kg fine milk chocolate egg, carton of 1 piece
on request extra dark chocolate
Cod.: CANNETTATOF250 – 250g extra dark chocolate egg, carton of 6 pieces
Cod.: CANNETTATOL250 – 250g fine milk chocolate egg, carton of 6 pieces
Cod.: CANNETTATOF – 400g extra dark chocolate egg, carton of 4 pieces
Cod.: CANNETTATOL – 400g fine milk chocolate egg, carton of 4 pieces
Half fine milk or extra dark chocolate egg filled with mixed chocolates and ovetti
Cod.: MEZ150 – 150g half fine milk or extra dark chocolate egg filled with mixed chocolates and ovetti, carton of 10 pieces
Cod.: MEZ230 – 230g half fine milk or extra dark chocolate egg filled with mixed chocolates and ovetti, carton of 6 pieces
Small fine milk or extra dark chocolate bell with a white chocolate wish
Cod.: CAMPRGL – 130g fine milk chocolate bell with a white chocolate wish, carton of 6 pieces
Cod.: CAMPRGF – 130g extra dark chocolate bell with a white chocolate wish, carton of 6 pieces
Fine milk or extra dark chocolate bell
Cod.: CAMP10GL – 1 kg fine milk chocolate bell, carton of 1 pieces
Cod.: CAMP10GF – 1 kg extra dark chocolate bell, carton of 1 pieces
Cod.: GALL – 250g fine milk chocolate hen, carton of 6 pieces
Cod.: GALF – 250g extra dark chocolate hen, carton of 6 pieces