Torrone bianco e ricoperto con nocciole*

2024-07-31T17:23:52+00:00Categories: Catering, Cioccolato, D.Barbero, Le Creme, Misti, Premiata Torroneria, Torrone, Torroni Bianchi, Torroni ricoperti|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Code: 3003L – 150g crumbly covered torrone, carton of 21 packets

Code: 3010L – 250g soft covered torrone, carton of 12 packets

Code: 1002L – 200g crumbly torrone bar, carton of 16 packets

Code : 2001L – 150g soft torrone, carton of 20 packets

*product obtained exclusively from “Piedmont Hazelnut”